Qualify … Disqualify

Qualify … Disqualify

Qualify … Disqualify

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 03:59 AM PDT

There isnt much nowadays to write about anything in Batu. The most recent being the social visit of the Deputy Prime Minister to Batu 2 weeks ago and while it was herald as the first visit by a heavy weight from the Federal Government for the year 2011, the crowd was by most standard mediocre and the reception luke warm after the VVIP left the stage. And for that, nobody knew how much was used to feed the people (for breakfast) who turned up that morning, but I was told it was in the 30s – 50s of thousand ringgit.

Is it worth the tax payers money to do this kind of publicity when so much of KL city folk woes are still not being addressed. And eventhough the Federal Territory Minister made sure that development in KL kept up its pace with the rest of the other states in Malaysia, (he must at least be given the credit for doing more than any other FT Minister had in the past), but more needs to be done to take back the lost territory of KL from the grasp of the Pakatan reps.

Yesterday, there was a move by a young-at-heart MP by the name of Bung Mokhtar who tried to move a motion in the Parliament to remove and/or disqualify my nemesis (in Batu) from his position as an MP. This was as a result of Tian Chua (whom allegedly) bit a police constable way back in 2007 during a protest staged outside of Parliament.

I think gone are the days that we should use this kind of lowly tactic to oust anybody from their position as MPs or as "People's Representatives". If we really do it, it would be the biggest mistake that the BN in KL will have made in the face of an impending General Election. The" rules of the game" and the "ethics of politics" has always been to face your opponent squarely and win the battle fair and square. No amount of dirty-tactics will win the people's heart in the long run if we resort to filthy tactics.

But on the other hand, if we must disqualify anybody, we must do it to those candidates whom have:

1) Redicule ladies and woman folks that they are the more inferior species by citing uncalled for remarks about them leaking once a month (do you remember which MP who did that?)

2) Benefitted billions from contracts that are still the subject matter of an Anti-Corruption case now on-going, (the Chinese call it Pok Kai Future Zeneration)

3) Used his position in Government to influence the sale and purchase of properties for personal use,

4) Used their position in Local Council to "pull wool over the eyes" of civil servants as to the approval of land matters for their own benefit,

5) Refuse to take responsibility for sexual misconduct while an elected representative.

The above list may not be exhaustive but you get my point!

I think voters themselves are now awakened by the fact that we cannot be hoodwinked by politicians who think we are dumb-dumbs. We may have limited information as to the whole process as to how the Government is running the country, but in due time and in due course, whatever anybody does and how they do it, cannot be hide from the eyes of the masses.

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