Angels & Demons, Enemies & Friends

Angels & Demons, Enemies & Friends

Angels & Demons, Enemies & Friends

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 10:37 PM PST

I always like to look out for things that people have to say about my Party and me, and this has always been in the spirit of open-ness that my website/blog has dedicated itself to.

Recently I came across this website that is both 'drama-tic' and 'plot-ful' to read, and which I would like to share it with all of you.

The URL is

I recommend that you read the comments found therein and analyse it with an open heart. My attitude towards those whom have used a Gerakan-based website to criticise its leaders is inappropriate and in these times of great challenges, it is not in the spirit of 'Satu Hati' to openly criticise one's leader whom you have chosen and voted for.

Even if they are not (the Leaders) the ones you have chosen for nor voted for, in the true spirit of democracy, one should at least respect the wishes and wisdom of the others whom have voted them in, at least for the term while they are in office.

The detractors are many and there will never cease to be more to come in the days ahead. Instead of trying to call for me to resign or for any other National Leaders to step down, it would be more fruitful and appropriate to think of strategies and ways to help the Party move forward in these trying times. And when you have succeeded in doing that, there will be no shortage of people who will rally behind you and vote you in as the new leader post-2011, when the Party will see a new term of leaders to helm the Party.

If at these times, your intention is to do maximum damage to the Party by criticising and sabotaging what the leaders are trying to do, in the end, it will be harder for the Party to rise from the ashes and make a come back.

If the public sees that our own members cant even agree and work together to make the Party 'work', then who will in their right mind still believe in the struggles of the Party.

Yes, I certainly feel your frustrations that you are feeling, just because you did not voted for me nor did you want to see me at the helm. The reality is that, many others have voted me in and you should now let the rule of democracy take its course. If I'm no good, then by all means, boot me out in 2 more years, other wise, lets rally together so that our ship remains sailing and that we reach our destination together. I have said it over and over again that I'm all ears and is willing to listen. Would you be willing to at least give me honest and open opinion as to how we can make Gerakan Youth better!

There is no 'wisdom' is trying to burn the boat down before we even reach halfway point. Now is our greatest 'turning-point' and we must take this window of opportunity to make good.

Comrades, whether you like me or not, please work together so that when 'you' eventually take over the Party, it would be in the strongest that we can be, not at its weakest! Do you see my point?

In the end, I cannot stop you from further criticisng the leadership or me personally, but I sure hope you do have the Party's future welfare in mind and will do your best to keep it alive.

"Men should never shit in his own compound, only idiots do that!" (Edward Blake, 1833-1912)

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