Responsibility is Shy

Responsibility is Shy

Responsibility is Shy

Posted: 29 Dec 2009 07:50 PM PST

 (This resemble a failed attempt by an autobot to transform but only if it was just a story)

10 bus passengers were killed on boxing day (26 Dec 2009) while travelling on the North-South Expressway. The tragedy also claimed the life of a 14 year old boy together with his sister 9 years her senior.

Thus far only the bus driver has been charged. No bus operator have come out to issue apologies nor claim responsibility.

So did the 10 died in tragedy and the event to be forgotten very soon.

Let's review the history:

In August 2007, a Bukit Gantang bus crashed on the North-South Expressway claiming 22 lives, including the driver. Syarikat Kenderaan Bukit Gantang Sdn Bhd's entire fleet of 38 buses were grounded the following day.

In April 2008, one person was killed and 16 others injured when the express bus they were travelling in crashed into a safety railing and overturned at Kilometer 265.1 of the North-South Expressway, at 3.45am. The bus was carrying 27 passengers from Johor Baru to Kuala Lumpur.

In June 2008, two people were killed and seven others seriously injured when the express bus they were travelling on overturned after hitting a divider at Kilometer406 of the North-South Expressway near Lembah Beringin.

In December 2008, an express bus driver lost control of his bus near Tangkak-Pagoh stretch on the North-South Expressway at 2am. Four men, four women and two girls, aged 9 and 12, were killed instantly.

In April 2009, five passengers and the driver of a double-decker express bus died, and five others were injured after the bus skidded and hit the divider at Kilometer 443 of the North-South Expressway near Rawang.

The record shows only 2 previous years of bus passengers whom have died while traveling along the North-South Expressway and on private bus companies. But this does not include the hundreds of others that have perished stretching back to the 90s, 80s and 70s. All forgotten and the dead never mentioned again in the annals of history.

So what has gone so wrong that these kinds of tragedy kept appearing again and again.

In August 2007, right after the Bukit Gantang bus accident tragedy, several measures were introduced by the Malaysian Transport Ministry:

1. Express bus drivers must rest for 15 minutes every Two and a half hours.

2. Bus drivers can only drive a maximum of 8 hours a day.

3. A second designated driver must take over the wheel every four hours.

4. Road Transport Department officers must inspect the tyres, brakes and engines of express buses at all 32 terminals nationwide.

5. Transport Ministry to have safety records of all express buses.

6. RTD and National Anti-Drug Agency to carry out random urine checks on express bus drivers.

7. Express bus companies to comply with the Safety, Health and Environment code.

These regulatory measures are well and good but thus far which State RTD as well as the the corresponding private bus companies have abide by the rules. Sadly maybe only a few. And yet I have to stress that many innocent passengers died because these rules were not strictly followed.

Are there any additional measures that needs to be introduce to curb the accidents from happening again. I dare say NO. Because no amount of rules and regulations are good enough if they are meant to be pasted only on the walls of RTD, bus companies and buses but were never meant to be followed.

The time has now come for a review of the NKRA as provided for in one of the 6 sectors proposed, namely Transport, to address the issue of – "Rule IMPLEMENTATION".

Without which, no amount of rules and regulations will work.

So anybody for Responsibility?

Angels & Demons, Enemies & Friends

Angels & Demons, Enemies & Friends

Angels & Demons, Enemies & Friends

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 10:37 PM PST

I always like to look out for things that people have to say about my Party and me, and this has always been in the spirit of open-ness that my website/blog has dedicated itself to.

Recently I came across this website that is both 'drama-tic' and 'plot-ful' to read, and which I would like to share it with all of you.

The URL is

I recommend that you read the comments found therein and analyse it with an open heart. My attitude towards those whom have used a Gerakan-based website to criticise its leaders is inappropriate and in these times of great challenges, it is not in the spirit of 'Satu Hati' to openly criticise one's leader whom you have chosen and voted for.

Even if they are not (the Leaders) the ones you have chosen for nor voted for, in the true spirit of democracy, one should at least respect the wishes and wisdom of the others whom have voted them in, at least for the term while they are in office.

The detractors are many and there will never cease to be more to come in the days ahead. Instead of trying to call for me to resign or for any other National Leaders to step down, it would be more fruitful and appropriate to think of strategies and ways to help the Party move forward in these trying times. And when you have succeeded in doing that, there will be no shortage of people who will rally behind you and vote you in as the new leader post-2011, when the Party will see a new term of leaders to helm the Party.

If at these times, your intention is to do maximum damage to the Party by criticising and sabotaging what the leaders are trying to do, in the end, it will be harder for the Party to rise from the ashes and make a come back.

If the public sees that our own members cant even agree and work together to make the Party 'work', then who will in their right mind still believe in the struggles of the Party.

Yes, I certainly feel your frustrations that you are feeling, just because you did not voted for me nor did you want to see me at the helm. The reality is that, many others have voted me in and you should now let the rule of democracy take its course. If I'm no good, then by all means, boot me out in 2 more years, other wise, lets rally together so that our ship remains sailing and that we reach our destination together. I have said it over and over again that I'm all ears and is willing to listen. Would you be willing to at least give me honest and open opinion as to how we can make Gerakan Youth better!

There is no 'wisdom' is trying to burn the boat down before we even reach halfway point. Now is our greatest 'turning-point' and we must take this window of opportunity to make good.

Comrades, whether you like me or not, please work together so that when 'you' eventually take over the Party, it would be in the strongest that we can be, not at its weakest! Do you see my point?

In the end, I cannot stop you from further criticisng the leadership or me personally, but I sure hope you do have the Party's future welfare in mind and will do your best to keep it alive.

"Men should never shit in his own compound, only idiots do that!" (Edward Blake, 1833-1912)

Feedback on our Gerakan National Youth Delegates Conference

Feedback on our Gerakan National Youth Delegates Conference

Feedback on our Gerakan National Youth Delegates Conference

Posted: 04 Nov 2009 07:19 PM PST

2 days after the conclusion of our 2009 National Youth Delegates Conference in Kuala Lumpur, I received numerous feedback either through personal sms or emails from various quarters. Some of which were very painful to swallow and some were downright nonsensical. Some border on pure personal attacks and others were "self-jacking".

I have to sieved through the barrage of mixed signals but decide to publish one of them in the following reproduced piece. It is verbatim except for the name of the sender which I have deliberately left anonymous to protect his/her identity.

The background of this particular case is that, during the Youth Delegate Conference, we have mooted 10 resolutions for the Delegates to consider and if found appropriate accepted as our official stand for the year 2009.

8 of the proposed resolutions were accepted and passed unanimously. 1 was amended with regards to the length of office an Office Bearer can hold for each position within the Party. The 10th resolution was about reviewing our status in the Barisan Nasional and if found neccessary to leave BN within one year.

This particular resolution was 'hotly' debated but in the end it was rejected unanimously because it was found to be against the spirit of us remaining in the BN coalition.

However in my winding speech for the Conference, I drew the analogy of us (the Party) travelling in a car going at 110kmh and should not jump out of the window until and when the car comes to a halt upon reaching our destination.

The feedback in the form of an email is as follows:-

Dear Mr Lim,
Whatever the reasons for Gerakan Youth to reject the motion to leave BN (and since it is a closed door affair we will never know), the analogy you used is inappropriate.

You suggested that the passenger should only get out when the car reaches the destination. Fair enough; but you have not said what the destination is. What is the destination the BN car is heading to?

And what if the driver (in this case UMNO) has lost his bearings and is now heading to a destination not agreed on by the other passengers in the car?

What if the driver has somewhere along the journey decided that the destination agreed on by his fellow travellers is no longer where he wants to go?

What if the passengers fail to convince the driver he has taken a wrong turn or that he should stick to the agreed destination?

Would you then not jump out of the car in desperation rather than go to a place you have no wish to go?

After over thirty years of trying to "change BN from within" it is time Gerakan took desperate measures. The fact that it hasn't can be interpreted by the public as the following:

1. Gerakan has not the cojones to stand up openly to UMNO. This is a fair perception considering how many times UMNO has humiliated Gerakan and its leaders. This humiliation is not a recent thing – remember Gerakan and the other minor partners in BN sent a memo to the PM and almost immediately had to retract it when the PM showed his displeasure?
Remember Gerakan said nothing when Mahathir declared M'sia an Islamic State – when the Constitution clears states that we are a secular nation? We can go on ad nauseam about the issues Gerakan failed to stand up for but that would take volumes.

2.  Gerakan leaders are too used to the perks of office and have no wish to remove their snouts from the gravy train.

3.  Gerakan is not able to challenge UMNO on many issues when its leader depends on UMNO's generosity for positions. They have essentially been bought and paid for.

I won't go on. Suffice to say that it is rather disappointing that you seem to have lost the idealism often associated with the young. The old are jaded, tired and mostly resistant to change but then it seems that Gerakan Youth has grown old before its time.

If the young have lost their appetite for change, or are afraid to query conventional wisdom or challenge the status quo where is the future? I am not politically aligned to any party. I am just a Malaysian who despairs for the nation – the direction the BN Car is heading.

–End of the email–

This is a painful lesson that all Youth Leaders in Gerakan have to swallow and take heed. We, as perceived by this reader (and hence the public) have lost our direction and should review our stand and position.

I'm willing to listen and will look out for new ideas to rejuvenate our Youth. Do you, the readers, have anything else to add that may help us reach our chosen destination?

My Speech At The 2009 Gerakan National Youth Delegates Conference

My Speech At The 2009 Gerakan National Youth Delegates Conference

My Speech At The 2009 Gerakan National Youth Delegates Conference

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 03:58 PM PDT



 Terlebih dahulu, saya bagi pihak Pemuda Gerakan ingin mengalu-alukan kedatangan para pemimpin parti pusat, khasnya semua bekas Ketua Pemuda Parti Gerakan, wakil-wakil Barisan Nasional, wakil-wakil persatuan dan pertubuhan NGO serta barisan ahli jawatankuasa mereka, saudara-saudari persidangan perwakilan ini, pihak media, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang dihormati sekalian, selamat pagi.


Satu setengah tahun pun telah berlepas sejak Pilihanraya Umum Ke-12 diadakan, tetapi peristiwa itu masih mempengaruhi pemikiran dan pandangan kita sehingga hari ini. Sama ada dari segi rujukan kepada angka 308, perkataan "tsunami", "gempa politik" mahupun kehilangan lebih daripada 80 buah kerusi Parlimen atau 4 buah Kerajaan Negeri, kita tidak boleh mengasingkan peristiwa itu daripada pertuturan harian kita. Memang tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa kita masih dihantui oleh apa yang berlaku ketika itu.

Dalam lawatan saya ke merata negeri semasa Perwakilan Agung Parti di Peringkat Negeri baru-baru ini, rujukan itu juga kerap digunakan untuk mengingati kita bahawa apa yang telah berlaku bukan satu kebetulan tetapi akibat perbuatan kita sendiri, khasnya Barisan Nasional.

Keputusan PRU Ke-12 jelasnya menunjukkan kepada kita bahawa aspirasi dan hasrat pengundi dan rakyat jelata telah menjangkaui batasan perkauman. Kaum Melayu tidak lagi segan untuk menaikkan roket, Kaum Cina pula tidak terhenti-henti bermimpi bersama bulan, dan Kaum India telah dilihat menolong menaikkan bendera Pas serta menyertai Kelab Fan PAS. Kejadian sebegitu tidak pernah berlaku tetapi semua ini telah berubah selepas tahun 2008.

Banyak kerja pemulihan hendaklah dilaksanakan misalnya semua rancangan yang sedia ada harus dikemaskinikan dan dikaji semula untuk meningkatkan semula imej parti Barisan Nasional. Walaupun manusia biasanya mempunyai daya ingatan yang pendek, tetapi memori seperti harga petrol sebanyak RM2.70 ataupun peristiwa Kepala Lembu di Shah Alam tidak akan lesap sebegitu sahaja. Kepada mereka yang dilahirkan di negara tercinta ini 50 tahun dahulu tetapi masih menunggu kelulusan untuk mendapatkan Kad Pengenalan Biru hanya memanjangkan kederitaan mereka. Walaupun semua ini bukan kesalahan kerajaan Barisan Nasional, tetapi kepada rakyat jelata yang kini lebih berpelajaran dan berpengetahuan, kesemua ini dianggapkan sebagai satu-satunya kelemahan Barisan Nasional. Itulah sebabnya rakyat menolak BN.

Pemuda Gerakan menyeru supaya pemimpin dalam kerajaan tidak memandang masalah dari sudut perkauman. Kalau kita masih menggunakan cara perkauman untuk mengatasi masalah, kita hanya akan menjadi semakin mundur dan tidak dapat menuju ke hadapan. Soal perkauman janganlah sekali pun dijadikan alasan.

Maralah ke hadapan! Tinggalkan kisah silam! Lupakanlah cara-cara yang digunakan untuk menyelesai masalah pada masa dahulu. Kita mesti menangani masalah masa depan dengan mempelajari cara-cara baru yang dapat merangkumi semua kaum di negara ini.

Pemikiran ini haruslah dimulakan dan sentiasa dibawa bersama dengan ahli-ahli politik kita sendiri.

Bekas Ketua Pemuda Gerakan, Sdr Mah Siew Keong, dalam ucapan beliau dua tahun berturut-turut telah mencadangkan supaya parti-parti komponen BN digabungkan kepada satu parti besar yang merangkumi semua kaum, telahpun dilupakan (fallen on deaf ears). Cadangan ini telah ditolak oleh pemimpin-pemimpin parti-parti komponen atas alasan yang ianya tidak praktikal atau belum tiba masanya untuk kami berubah. Tetapi, jika masa belum tiba untuk berubah, bilakah kita hendak berubah? Adakah kita harus tunggu sampai BN kalah di tangan Pakatan, sebelum kita mula menerokai cadangan ini?

Di sini, buat sekali lagi, ingin saya tegaskan bahawa tidak ada masa yang lebih baik dari sekarang untuk kita meluaskan hati dan memeluk idea untuk menyatukan semua parti politik yang berdasarkan satu-kaum (mono-racial party) kepada satu parti besar yang berdasarkan semua kaum majmuk (multi-racial party).

Saya berharap, Pemuda BN yang kini dibawah pucuk pimpinan Sdr Khairy Jamaluddin tidak mengambil ringan cadangan ini tetapi sebaliknya mengambil persediaan untuk menjelajah kemungkinan wujudnya satu parti bersatu sedemikian. Saya ingin mencadangkan supaya satu Jawatankuasa Pemuda BN (taskforce) didirikan untuk mengkaji bagaimana struktur parti sedemikian dapat dijadikan satu kenyataan suatu hari nanti. Sistem parti komponen BN telah berjaya dalam 50 tahun yang lalu, tetapi ini tidak bermakna ia akan berjaya untuk 50 tahun yang akan datang. Kami harus bersiap sedia sebelum "tsunami" yang lebih kuat, lebih kencang melanda pantai kita. Sudikah anda membuat persiapan yang sama?

Selain daripada itu, terdapat satu lagi perkara yang sering kami alami di Parti Gerakan iaitu kerumitan untuk menarik ahli-ahli baru, khasnya kaum Melayu untuk menyertai parti kami. Adakah ini berkaitan dengan kewujudannya Parti Satu-Kaum?


Isu Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri atau ISA masih hangat di kalangan kita. Isunya bukan atas sebab berapa atau siapa yang masih ditahan tetapi betapa "draconian-nya" Akta ini jika dilihat dari sudut hak asasi manusia. Isu yang sentiasa timbul ialah "tahanan tanpa sebab" dan juga penyalahgunaan kuasa semasa menahan orang yang tidak patut ditahan, misalnya seorang wartawan yang hanya rajin menjalankan tugasnya, ataupun peguam-peguam yang menjalankan tugas untuk membela klien mereka.

Pemuda Gerakan menyeru Kerajaan supaya membuat pindaan yang menyeluruh ke atas Akta ISA dan pada masa yang berpatutan memansuhkan seluruh Akta tersebut dengan satu Akta yang lebih berperikemanusiaan.

Kami melaungkan cadangan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Dato Seri Hishammudin supaya Akta ISA dipindakan dengan secepat mungkin supaya keyakinan dan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap kerajaan ini akan dipulihkan dengan secepat mungkin.

Pada 31 haribulan Julai yang lalu, Pemuda Gerakan telah membuat rombongan ke Istana untuk menyerahkan Memorandum Anti-ISA kepada DYMM YDP Agung sehari sebelum Kumpulan Gerakan Mansuh ISA (ataupun digelar sebagai GMI) dapat berbuat demikian.

Walaupun kami sependapat dan bersimpati dengan perjuangan GMI dalam isu pemansuhan Akta ISA, kami Pemuda Gerakan ingin menegaskan bahawa kami tidak bersetuju dengan taktik dan tujuan parti-parti pembangkang apabila mereka meng-hijack dan mengeksploitasikan penyerahan Memorandum oleh GMI ke Istana ini semata-matanya untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri. Oleh kerana itu, kami dengan hati yang berat terpaksa memutuskan tali persaudaraan dengan GMI buat sementara waktu supaya episod perarakan Anti-ISA pada 1hb Ogos itu tidak dijadikan sebuah trajedi.

Sebagai ketua kepada Pegerakan Pemuda Nasional parti ini, saya juga tidak boleh meluruhkan kewajipan saya ataupun mengambil sikap 'tidak-ambil-tahu' terhadap isu sekuriti semua anggota saya. Saya terpaksa memikul beban sehingga ke akhirat jika penyertaan kami di perarakan itu mengakibatkan salah seorang daripada ahli-ahli ataupun penyokong saya dimasukkan penjara.

Nasib baik dan insya-Tuhan, kesemua pihak kami selamat pulang ke tempat asal selepas perjalanan ke Istana tamat pada hari itu.

Di samping pembaharuan undang-undang keselamatan dalam negeri, Pemuda Gerakan juga percaya bahawa masih terdapatnya undang-undang sekatan yang telah ketinggalan zaman yang harus dipinda. Diantaranya, Akta Penerbitan dan Mesin Cetak (Publishing and Printing Press Act) yang digubalkan untuk menyelia dan mengawal media pencetakan telahpun hilang kepentingannya dalam dunia internet dan broadband yang kini berleluasa tanpa sempadan.

Sebaliknya, Blog dan Facebook telah menjadi media pengantaraan utama sekarang dan bukan "media terbit". Maka polisi untuk menyekatkan "media terbit" utama negara ini hanya akan menjejaskan kedudukan mereka dan secara tidak langsung mempromosikan media-media alternatif. Syarat untuk penerbit media utama memperbaharui lesen terbitan setiap tahun hanya menakutkan penerbit dan tidak mendorong penerbit ataupun wartawan untuk melaporkan berita dengan benar atau secara terus terang. Syarat tahunan itu akan digunakan sebagai "rotan" atau "lobak merah" untuk mengawal penerbit-penerbit tersebut. Justeru itu, Pemuda Gerakan mencadangkan supaya syarat pembaharuan lesen tahunan dibatalkan dan satu sistem baru yang berdasarkan "merit system" digantikan. Seperti dalam kes lesen memandu, penerbit akan ditolak markah jika didapati bersalah ataupun telah didapati memainkan sentimen perkauman, misalnya. Apabila markah ditolak sehingga tahap sifar, lesen terbitan mereka akan ditarik balik oleh Kementerian berkenaan.

Satu lagi Akta yang juga ketinggalan masa ialah Akta Universiti dan Kolej University (AUKU). AUKU perlu dipinda untuk membenarkan pelajar-pelajar menyertai badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) di luar kampus. Pelajar-pelajar ataupun pensyarah-pensyarah juga haruslah diberi ruang untuk menyertai parti-parti politik ataupun kegiatan parti yang dipilih oleh mereka tanpa kesan buruk. Demi kepentingan pelajaran yang harus diutamakan, pelajar-pelajar seharusnya mendapatkan kelulusan daripada pihak Universiti ataupun Naib-Chanselor untuk menyertai kegiatan sedemikian. Suatu sistem "grade-point" harus ditetapkan oleh pihak universiti. Permintaan oleh pelajar-pelajar yang dapat mematuhi "grade-point" ini sahajalah yang akan diluluskan. Sistem "grade-point" ini akan memastikan supaya pelajar-pelajar dapat menangani pelajaran mereka dengan cemerlang sebelum mereka dibenarkan menceburi diri dalam kegiatan sosial yang lain.

Selain daripada penyertaan para pelajar dalam kegiatan politik, perwakilan pelajar-pelajar dalam hal kebajikan mereka di kampus harus juga diberi tumpuan. Kini, hanya Naib-Chancelor berkuasa untuk membuat segala keputusan atas taraf kehidupan pelajar-pelajar di kampus. Pemuda Gerakan mencadangkan supaya pelajar-pelajar yang dipilih oleh rakan-rakan mereka semasa Pemilihan Perwakilan Kolej juga diberi kuasa untuk berunding dengan pihak Universiti mengenai isu-isu sedemikian. Satu lembaga yang dikenali sebagai "Student Consultative Council" haruslah ditubuhkan dibawah AUKU 'baru' supaya Naib-Chancelor dapat prihatin atas kemahuan pelajar-pelajar semasa mereka tinggal di kampus.


Dalam pemerhatian saya selama ini, didapati bahawa kebanyakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh BN pada masa kini disebabkan oleh perbuatan kita sendiri. Kita telah terlupa untuk memimpin melalui teladan.

Adalah tidak mencukupi untuk YAB Perdana Menteri sahajalah yang menyanyikan lagu "berubah… berubah", padahalnya orang yang dibawah struktur piramid pentadbiran hanya menganggapkan seruan beliau sebagai satu lagu atau melodi yang diulangi dan bukan sesuatu yang mesti dilaksanakan.

Misalnya, apakah "Sikap Teras" (Core Attitude) kita terhadap "politik" ataupun Parti Politik? Memang tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa untuk bergerak dan menjalankan kegiatan yang memberi kebaikan/manfaat kepada para pengundi dan rakyat jelata semestinya memerlukan wang. Tetapi wang itu tidak semestinya datang dari kerajaan. Adakah perjuangan politik kita begitu cetek sehinggakan segalanya bergantung keatas "peruntukan wang" sahaja. Tanpa peruntukan itu, segala jentera atau "machinery" berhenti di situ.

Kami di BN telah duduk diatas "punggung sendiri" buat terlalu lama sehingga kami tidak tahu bagaimana hendak bergerak. Rangkaian politik atau "Network" kami hanyalah berdasarkan kepada orang yang kita kenali dan tidak termasuk orang di luar golongan politik. Misalnya, sama ada pada hari rumah terbuka Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Tahun Baru Cina ataupun Deepavali, kita hanya menjemput rakan sejawat kita dari UMNO, MCA dan MIC. Jika ini dibiar berterusan, bagaimanakah kita hendak mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada para pengundi di kawasan kita? Adakah ahli-ahli Parti Pembangkang turut di jemput?

Ataupun, apabila tiba masanya untuk memberi hadiah atau sumbangan kepada penduduk tempatan semasa kegiatan bermuafakatan dan saling kenal mengenal, hanya golongan akrab yang dapat tetapi orang yang patut menerima (deserving groups) tidak dapat.

Satu lagi perkara yang ingin saya timbulkan ialah PPSMI. Ini juga ada kaitan dengan topik Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan. Setahu saya, ada segolongan pemimpin kita yang menyokong sepenuhnya dan memuji betapa baiknya jika semua mengamalkan pengajaran Mathematik dan Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Tetapi golongan inilah yang juga menghantar anak-anak mereka ke sekolah private. Kononnya, "standard" sekolah tempatan tidak begitu memuaskan. Golongan ini termasuk pemimpin-pemimpin, orang-orang atasan dalam sektor pentadbiran dan kerajaan, malahan anak-anak Menteri kita sendiri juga dihantar ke sekolah sedemikian.


Mengikut Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008, masalah pembaziran and isu keterlaluan semakin merunsingkan. Sebagai contohnya, didapati ada sebuah Kolej Pengajian Tinggi yang telah membeli 2 buah laptop untuk RM42,000 sebiji. Di suatu kejadian yang lain, Syarikat Pempena telah melaporkan kerugian sebanyak RM50 juta kerana tidak membuat siasatan sebelum melabur. Peristiwa-peristiwa sebegini tidak haruslah timbul jikalau pegawai-pegawai kerajaan kita menjalankan tugas mereka dengan teliti dan penuh dedikasi.

Baru-baru ini, peristiwa penyalahgunaan dana Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang (ataupun PKFZ) telah menjadi sebuah skandal yang terbesar selepas BMF 20 tahun dahulu. Peningkatan kos terakhir untuk membangunkan PKFZ sebanyak 12 billion ringgit itu tidak boleh di pandang ringan begitu sahaja. Bayangkan… Dengan 12 billion ringgit, berapa buah sekolah boleh kita bina? Berapa ramai pesakit yang dapat menikmati taraf kehidupan baru dengan hospital ataupun klinik desa baru yang dapat kita binakan? Berapa ramai orang kurang upaya (OKU) yang mendapat bantuan jika sebahagian dana itu diberi kepada mereka?

Tindakan perlu diambil dengan serta merta untuk menghentikan sebarang pembaziran dan keterlaluan pada saat ini. Apabila tersebut tindakan, bukan sekadar memindahkan pegawai-pegawai atau orang-orang yang berkenaan kepada jabatan lain sahaja dan melupakan segalanya selepas itu. Hukuman mesti dikenakan keatas pihak yang berkenaan dan cara-cara untuk mendapatkan balik dana yang telah hilang mesti disempurnakan.

Namun begitu, Pemuda Gerakan ingin memberi kepujian kepada Jabatan Ketua Juruaudit atas kerja mereka dalam membongkar dan memdedahkan semua penyelewengan dan  kesalahan pengurusan kewangan. Ini menunjukan bahawa adanya yang masih telus dan ini adalah satu perkara yang amat positif.


Saudara-saudari sekalian,

Kita hadir pada hari ini di Persidangan Tahunan Perwakilan Nasional dengan perasaan yang berat jika dibandingkan dengan tahun yang lepas. Dahulu, kami boleh berbangga dengan kedudukan kami di Pulau Pinang dimana parti kami dijawatkan dengan Ketua Menteri dan Ahli-ahli Exco. Parti Gerakan juga mempunyai seorang Menteri di Jemaah Menteri, 3 orang Timbalan Menteri dan 2 orang Setiausaha Parlimen. Kami juga dapat mempertahankan 10 buah kerusi di Parlimen.

Kini, segalanya telah berubah. 50% kerusi Parlimen dijawat oleh seorang Pemuda Nasional dan 50% yang lain pula dijawat oleh Wanita Nasional. Saudara-saudari, daripada 10 buah kerusi Parlimen, kita hanya 2 buah sahaja yang tinggal. Justeru itu, kami mesti merancang dengan baik dan teliti supaya kita dapat berubah mengikut arus perubahan. Jika tidak, Parti kesayangan kami pasti akan menemui jalan buntu tidak lama lagi.

Parti Gerakan baru menyambut Ulangtahun Ke-41. Selama 41 tahun ini, parti kami telah dapat mencapai satu imej tersendiri yang baik dan bersih. Kami harus memastikan kewujudan ini berkekalan buat selamanya. Ideologi dan perlembagaan parti masih tegas dan kukuh. Parti kami masih mempunyai perluang untuk menjadi parti pilihan orang muda pada masa yang akan datang. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk menjadikan ini sebagai satu kenyataan, kami harus mempunyai suatu keistimewaan yang dapat membezakan kami daripada parti-parti politik yang lain. Bagaimanakah kami dapat mencapainya?    

Ada yang berpendapat bahawa parti kami telah sesat hala tujuan dalam 25 tahun dalam kerajaan. Bahawasanya kami tidak mampu lagi mengikut aliran arus semasa. Kami telah kehilangan visi atau wawasan kerana terlalu sibuk dan prihatin dalam soal pemerintahan sehinggakan perjuangan ideologi parti kami diabaikan.

Pada definisi saya, Visi itu bagaikan satu "jalan 2-hala". Untuk memastikan perlaksanaan yang sempurna, kita perlu penglibatan dan komunikasi 2-hala, iaitu dari atas-ke-bawah dan dari bawah-ke-atas struktur parti. Tiada gunanya jika hanya pemimpin sahajalah yang dianggap membuat kesemua kerja dan mereka di akar umbi pula duduk diam dan "menunjuk-nunjuk jari" mencari kesalahan (seperti ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan terus) tanpa sebarang cadangan atau jalan penyelesaian. Sebaliknya, sistem ini juga akan gagal jika cadangan pula tidak dihiraukan atau dipertimbangkan oleh pihak atasan.

Kami harus mengenali dan mengambil tahu apa kehendak dan pandangan akar umbi kami.

Saya ingin mencadangkan supaya Pemuda Gerakan dapat mengambil alih sayap Beliawanis (iaitu sayap Puteri kepada parti-parti politik yang lain). Ini ialah kerana, apabila adanya gadis-gadis muda yang menyertai kegiatan Pemuda Gerakan, ini akan memotivasikan lebih lagi pemuda-pemudi bergiat dalam aktiviti kita.    

Bagaimanakah kami dapat meneguhkan lagi dan menambahkan kualiti kepada struktur akar umbi parti? Adakah kami patut bermula pada peringkat Cawangan? Bagaimanakah kita dapat memastikan yang Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan (AGM) pada peringkat Cawangan dan Bahagian telah diadakan dengan jujur dan ikhlas dan bukan sekadar rekod dalam bentuk minit mesyuarat sahaja? Patutkah setiap Cawangan diwajibkan untuk menyerahkan foto sebagai bukti untuk mengesahkan bahawa AGM telahpun diadakan? Ini mungkin dapat mendorong (memotivasikan) ahli-ahli Cawangan untuk sekurang-kurangnya bertemu sekali setahun untuk mengambil foto kumpulan mereka.

Saya percaya bahawa manusia adalah makhluk yang suka bersosial. Jika mereka dapat bertemu, sudah tentu mereka dapat sesuatu topik untuk dijadikan perbualan atau perbincangan. Ini dengan secara tidak langsung terhasil-lah suatu mesyuarat walaupun dalam bentuk perbualan tidak formal.

Dalam alaf digital fotografi dan broadband internet ini, setiap Cawangan hanya perlu menghantar foto mereka melalui e-mel pada atau sebelum tarikh masa yang ditentukan untuk mengekalkan status aktif Cawangan mereka.



Daripada 9 pilihanraya kecil yang telah diadakan semenjak Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 negara ini, BN hanya dapat memenangi 2 daripada 9 buah kerusi yang dipertandingkan atau tidak ditandingi kerana soal prinsip.

Dalam 7 buah kerusi yang kami tewas, iaitu Pematang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu, Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau, Penanti, Manek Urai and Pematang Pasir, kami hanya mampu mengurangkan gabungan majoriti Pakatan Rakyat daripada 27,688 pada bulan Mac 2008 kepada 26,813 dalam kesemua pilihanraya kecil itu. Kami hanya mampu merampas 875 undi secara keseluruhannya daripada pihak pembangkang. Nombor 875 ini mempamerkan bahawa betapa banyak lagi kerja yang mesti dilaksanakan untuk menegakkan nama baik BN. Sungguhpun YAB Perdana Menteri telah mengemukakan pelbagai program pembagunan negara, kita hanya dapat memesong 875 orang untuk memihaki kami daripada Pakatan Rakyat, bukankah ini satu keputusan yang amat menyedihkan?

Namun demikian, kita harus memberi kredit kepada calon Bagan Pinang, Tan Sri Isa Samad kerana berjaya merampas lebih undi untuk BN dalam pilihanraya kecil baru-baru ini, iaitu dengan majoriti 3102 undi. Walau bagaimanapun, kita patut meninjau pilihanraya kecil Bagan Pinang sebagai suatu insiden luar biasa yang disebabkan oleh sifat "candidate-centric" kawasan itu.

Kesimpulannya, saya ingin menegaskan bahawa kita tidak patut leka dan terdapat banyak lagi cabaran yang harus kita rintangi. Untuk maju ke hadapan kita terpaksa menguatkan hati untuk membawa perubahan. Ubahlah cara lama, ubahlah buah pemikiran. Persoalannya sekarang ialah adakah perubahan ini hanya sekadar cakap kosong?  Kita mesti ambil tindakan sekarang …. Berubah atau bersedia untuk diubahkan!

Sekian, Terima Kasih!

Selamat Eid-Ul-Fitr

Selamat Eid-Ul-Fitr

Selamat Eid-Ul-Fitr

Posted: 19 Sep 2009 07:36 PM PDT

Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous Eid-Ul-Fitr.

Maaf saya luar dan dalam.

May PLUS Highway open up like the red sea and welcome you home after the Raya Celebrations. Drive carefully.

[Politikus] Adding Salt To The Cow’s Wound

[Politikus] Adding Salt To The Cow’s Wound

Adding Salt To The Cow’s Wound

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 07:24 PM PDT

Just rub it in!

Yesterday 4 Sept, Khir Toyo, Opposition Leader of the Selangor State Assembly, had this to say about the Cow Head incident in Shah Alam – link.

This is deliberately adding salt to an already deeply sored situation. What more than to add "more" salt by calling a sacred icon – "stupid". And he further said, "the protesters had no intentions of belittling the Hindu religion which considers the cow to be sacred." I'm just curious to know, how does he know what were the 'intentions' of the cow-head marchers when he wasnt part of the march. He must have got very powerful mind-reading software to ascertain the deeply seated intentions of the Section 23 residents.

And to add insult to the situation, Azmir Md Zain, one of the marchers who brought along the cow-head, is an Umno member.

So if your mathematics is sound, and when you put "one and one" together, you would have (1) the former Menteri Besar morally supporting  the march as uncontroversial = (2) Azmir is noted as one of the persons who brought the Cow Head = (3) Azmir is an Umno member = (4) No Umno leaders thus far, have come out to distance themselves from the ruckus = (5) Umno has indirectly sanctioned the march.

When a 'wrong' is a wrong, no amount of explaning can do away with the wrong. And when a 'stupid' person says something that sounds 'smart', that doesnt mean that the person is not stupid anymore!

I thought all the leaders were there to lend a ear, not to add more insult. Were you there to listen or were you there to say more rubbish? Let the "mess" settle and its time to gather feedback and think of solutions.

[Politikus] Kepala Lembu & Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin

[Politikus] Kepala Lembu & Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin

Kepala Lembu & Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 09:31 PM PDT

 Please respect me!

I read with interest today the main statement issued by the Persatuan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia, the first two sentence of which is reproduced below:

"Isu bantahan keras penduduk Seksyen 23, Shah Alam terhadap pembinaan kuil di kawasan mereka berpunca dari tindak-tanduk kerajaan negeri Selangor sendiri yang tidak meminta pandangan mereka sebelum membuat keputusan. Presiden Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa), Datuk Ibrahim Ali berkata, rumusan itu diperoleh hasil siasatan pihaknya setelah menemubual penduduk kawasan tersebut baru-baru ini."

I'm no supporter of the Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor nor am I a fan of Khalid Ibrahim (Selangor MB) but I find it deeply insulting in reading Ibrahim Ali's statement when he refered to seeking consensus to building places of worship especially in this country.

Let me call a spade, a spade. Even during the administration of BN government prior to the ascension of Khalid as MB, did the previous administration seek anybody's consent when it comes to the building of mosque(s). And did the previous adminstration also seek anybody's consent when they demolish other people's places of worship? – NIL.

I used to stay in a small apartment in Sri Hartamas. And it was always clear air and blue skies till the early part of 2001. By then, we (the residents around that area) receive 'wind' that they're going to build the biggest mosque in KL (the Duta/Hartamas central mosque). I'd just like to ask Ibrahim Ali, did anybody come and ask the predominantly chinese residents in Sri Hartamas (and a whole lot more of expatriates including Japanese, Koreans and Occidentals leaving in the Mont Kiara area) whether we would like to see the biggest mosque being built in our own backyard – NAY. Even if we had protested, (1.) sign petition, (2.) sent a Memorandum of protest to the PM, (3.) march to the central mosque in Putrajaya and did all the myriad things that we could do) would the Government had listen? – NAY.

So when the Selangor Government decides to relocate the Indian Kuil to Section 23 in Shah Alam, who should they seek consensus, the Indians living in Section 23 or the Muslims living in Section 23. Common sense had it that, if you were to ask the Hindus, they will say yes, and if you were to ask the Muslims, they will say no. So who is right and who is wrong? Even if the Goverment takes a 100% poll of consensus, and there being more residents who are Muslims than Hindus in Section 23, does this justify that the majority is always right and the minority can then be bullied!

In this country, race-relations is already a very tricky business, and when it comes to issues of religion, people may get even more fanatic. And it was also Ibrahim Ali in his statement that wanted people who challenge the rights of Muslims in this country to be put behind bars under ISA, what justice do you call this – suppression of minority, or its it suppression of religious rights under the Federal Constitution?

We are already finding it hard as it is to balance both race-relations and religious tolerance, there's no need to have chauvinist ideas from independent MPs that only uphold their own benefits but ignore the rights and birth-privileges of the other minority groups of this country. We deserve more than just carrying the title "Malaysians", we demand (no we don't, citizens dont demand, its our birth-right ) to be treated with equality and just.

[Politikus] Happy 52nd Merdeka

[Politikus] Happy 52nd Merdeka

Happy 52nd Merdeka

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 04:33 AM PDT


Let me wish all Malaysian Citizens a Happy 52nd Merdeka, most important, please drive home safely if you have travelled far during this long holiday season.

Also a warm Welcome to all foreign visitors and hope that Malaysia has given you a lasting impression that you may consider coming back to our beloved country again and again in the future.

Overheard in the kopitiam today, "I love my country, but does the Government love me?"

And overheard others throughout kopitiams around the nation:

1) 16As and no scholarship, whereas the dongoi who cant speak a full sentence of English goes to Medical School …

2) Cowhead March and no one detained – Peaceful Virgil and people get locked up …

3) Innocent reporter spent a day in ISA lock up!

And to echo Patrick Teoh (the long time DJ for Radio 4): "NIAMAH!"

Look East Policy

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 04:14 AM PDT

Is there a lesson to be learned?

Hatoyama's grandfather would have been proud of him. After a 30 year gap, the 3rd generation Hatoyama (Yukio) is now set to rule the country, a feat that his grandfather tried but did not manage to, years ago.

The rise of the Democratic Party of Japan's (DPJ) landslide victory over the weekend is nothing miraculous. It has not been producing anything significant since Taro Aso was declared the Prime Minister. But what Aso was trying hard to achieve, the DPJ was only smart enough to fan the anti-LDP sentiments and ride the wave of displeasure till it hits the voters right in the face. With a growing generation of aged population and crumbling Japanese economy, anything but LDP will be alright with the populace.

In the 80s and early part of 90s, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad propagated the concept of Look East – meaning, we should learn from the more advance economies especially Japan for inspiration. We were told to work hard and imitate Japanese creativity in breaking-through our more traditional reliance on agriculture stock to expanding towards industrialisation.

Part of that was the culmination of the resolve to have our own automobile industry in the form of Proton. And in support of that, many more satelite industries were produced, all in the hope of helping to sustain Proton as a viable and eventually 'lead car producer' in South East Asia.

Now this article is not about what is now history to us, but I just want to reminiscent back on whether the Look East attitude is still in many of us. A seed that was germinated from 20 or more years ago. Fast forward to 2012(3), could this be the fate of BN also?

There's always a myth that 50 years is a magic number in any political cycle. India had a change of guards, Taiwan had it and now Japan. With Japan closest to our country in this purported political "tsunami" (Japan had a long history of undivided rule by a single Party/Coalition of 54 years, except for the short period of 10 months where there was a transfer of power) is somewhat an echo of our own democracy.

Today, we celebrate our 52 years of Merdeka, also 52 undivided years of rule by a single coalition.

Can we draw any parallel between what DPJ has achieved over the weekend with what Pakatan Rakyat is trying to achieve? Is there any lessons that we are still blinded by despite the results of 12GE-308. Has UMNO been sincere enough to look through the web of illusions that they have been relying on and start to make incremental and truthful changes.

Despite what the PM Najib is trying extremely hard to do, there are more in the backyard that needs to be cleaned up before we can see a return of faith with the BN. With most of the component parties experiencing internal turmoil – the Chinese fighting each other, most probably another episode of Chair Throwing will come soon, the Indians are not willing to remove a permanent human asset from their Party and smaller parties trying hard to find their foothold, we'll be lucky if Commander Adama (a.k.a. Najib) is able to pull off a successful Battlestar Galactica journey for us to the newfoundland.

In the end, we can say Japan is too remote an incident for us to draw any parallels and hide our head in the ground, but I fear that there are more similarities than differences between the two. Taking a hint from former Deputy Prime Minister Musa Hitam, what he alluded to today in Sinchew (31 Aug) is cause to raise an alarm. The hindsight that he provides tells us intimately that UMNO is still living on 'cloud nine' and that they believe that nothing can 'touch' them.

The experience that I have with my attempt to service my own constituency tells exactly the same story. The inability of local UMNO warlords in changing their approach and the arrogance of supremacy their exude everytime 'we' try to help the voters is a shining example of doom and end of the tunnel.

We can believe that Najib is capable of bringing the country and the nation forward, and I have no doubts about that, but what I fear most and afraid of seeing is that, in time to come, when Najib has charged far enough and he takes a look behind only to find 'numerals' behind him, while most other warlords and eunuchs are trying to compartmentalise their own influence over a vanishing dynasty. You have seen it in Russia (the Tsars), in China (the last Ching dynasty) and now in Japan – when are we going to learn?

I'll start believing (that change is possible) if anyone can quote me the next acronym after R.A.H.M.A.N.

[Politikus] Wither or Weather?

[Politikus] Wither or Weather?

Wither or Weather?

Posted: 28 Aug 2009 07:34 PM PDT

 Likely Unlikely!

I feel sad that an organisation as old as MCA (perhaps at last count, they celebrated their 60th anniversary) is now being saddled with its own internal problems that could perhaps, have been avoidable, had the President been not so adamant on having it his way.

Perhaps a maverick's journey will always begin with bravery and single-mindedness towards achieving its goal (whatever that goal is) but it will always end with disaster because to run a million strong organisation takes more than just strong-headedness, it takes more tact to keep it intact.

Ong Tee Keat has perhaps been the most vocal MCA politician in the last five years speaking out on issues that affects the rakyat. And I remember not too long ago, he went against Hishammuddin (Minister of Education then) and dug out all the abuse of funds with regards to a contractor over-charging and under-providing for a school's renovation that resulted in the collapse of part of the school premises. The row between him and Hisham made OTK a local hero and showed others that he dared to stand up against the Education Minister (at that time OTK was only a Deputy Minister).

Fast forward it 4 years later. He's now the Head of a major party within the ruling coalition. He's reached the top post of his party and can (in a way) do whatever he likes and however he likes with the fate of the party. It now rest on him to seriously take into consideration all facets involved when he is to decide on any major move within the party.

Decisions are hard to make, especially if it involves a million heads (ie. a million members). For every decision you take, there are at the very least 30% of the members who are not willing to even hear you out. And there are always another 20% more who will question you till the end on why certain actions are taken. On a normal Binomial Curve, you can't runaway from these folks who are sitting on the 'sigma' ends.

It is now time for OTK to seriously think about how he wants MCA to move forward. If I were to also draw a parallel between him and Najib (PM), then I would say both are in very precarious position now. With Najib on his toes every day to (1) help the nation grow by monitoring KPIs and KRAs, (2) keep the steam away from his screaming UMNO extremes at bay, (3) managing the feelings and sentiments of the component parties, (4) strategising every move against the Pakatan coalition, I believe every day is both a joy and a pain in the … for the PM. He could have asked himself, what the hoot am I doing all this when the rakyat is not appreciative of it at all.

On the other hand, for OTK, he is right in being a maverick in his own Ministry, by exposing all its irregularities vis a vis the latest PKFZ wrongdoings (and many more), but that is not the way to expose 'your' own party. One does not go all the way to kill off an 'enemy' when the enemy is democratically elected by thousands of others. Its better to cold-storage than to receive the wrath of a strike-back.

As for now, OTK dugged his own pit and he has to haul himself out if he is to see the end of the daylight. With a billionaire hot on his pants and ranting about the missing 10 million, and internally facing a vote of no confidence, he better do something soon or else, it may turn ugly. In 2001, chairs were thrown in their AGM, what will be the 'mode of exchange' this round …